To check whether or not your PC supports Windows 11. Do follow the following steps.
Step 1: Download this File (PC Health Check)
Step 2: Run this software.
If it shows this,
Congrats!!!! Your PC supports Windows 11.
If it shows this or something like; Must support secure boot or Check TPM.
Follow rest of the Steps.
Step 3: Go to Windows menu and Shutdown your PC
Step 4: Turn On your PC and Press F2 (Dell) to enter the System Setup
Step 5: Select Secure Boot —> Secure Boot Enable —> Enabled
Step 6 : Select General —> Advanced Boot Option —> Unselect (If Selected) Advanced Legacy Boot Options
Step 7: Select Security —> PTT Security —> Select PTT on
Step 8: Close the window or Select Exit (PC Restarts)
Step 9: Open The Software again.
Now if your PC supports Windows 11, then the following dialog box should appear.